Thursday 24 September 2009

Jennifer Lopez Magazine Analysis- 4: People

People Magazine
is a rather relaxed and casual every day magazine at a more universal audience.

Setting and Positioning- This Image of J-Lo and her new born twins are set indoors and has a more casual, serene and calm feel to it. This is a close-up shot of her and focuses more on her 'bliss' with her new born twins. The use of white in the background has a bright effect on the audience making us seem happy for J-Lo.

Body Language and Facial Expression-
J-Lo has a big bright smile here emphasizing her euphoria. Her head is slightly tilted with the babies neatly placed in front of her as though advertising her children and kind of forcing the audience to share her happiness with her. Despite this, she seems very content with her happiness.

Although there is a more relaxed feel to the magazine, J-Lo still wears clothing here that reveal parts of her shoulder area, so we can see she is keeping in touch with her glamorous lifestyle as well as being a caring mother.

Camera Shot-
The camera shot used here is a close-up. It focuses more on J-Lo's facial expression and twins rather than her body. The type of shot is most appropriate because the closeness adds a feel of security and comfort towards J-Lo.

The lighting here brightens up J-Lo's face perfectly and emphasizes her big smile. The lighting also enables us to see her twins to a greater extent here making them look as fantastic as J-Lo herself.

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